Dear friend,
I’ve been taking a fresh look at Luke 15:11–32 and the much-loved Parable of the Lost Son. There is so much wonderful and important truth in this story but three things in particular stand out that I want to share with you.
First, this story could also be called the Parable of the Prodigal Father. The word “prodigal” doesn’t mean rebellious runaway, it means lavish and extravagant. This story is an illustration of the lavish and extravagant love of God for people. His arms are always open wide to the repentant. No sin is too great. He loves those who are separated from Him by their sin just as much as those who aren’t. God the Father loves us lavishly in spite of our sin. We need to accept it.
The second thing I noted is that the older brother had also received his inheritance. The Scripture says, “So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons” (v. 12). As the older son he would have received a double portion (Deuteronomy 21:17). Yet, despite not asking for it, and getting two-thirds of the inheritance, and even though he was enjoying the blessings of being in his father’s presence and house he is begrudging and bitter. He felt he had earned the love of his father for his dutifulness. God the Father loves us extravagantly without having to earn it. We need to appreciate it.
The final thing that stands out is that in addition to learning something about the lavish love of our heavenly Father we realize that this is also an example of the kind of love we are to express. He expects us to love others—righteous or unrighteous like He does. God the Father loves us unconditionally and wants us to show it. We need to reflect it.
Regardless of whether one is mired in the pigpen of the world’s filth or faithfully serving the Lord in some way, all people need to hear the message of God’s lavish, extravagant, and unconditional love. That is why Insight for Living Canada exists and why your prayer and financial support is essential.
Can we count on you this month to stand with us with your prayer and financial support?
What difference does the message of God’s love make? All the difference in the world!
During the COVID-19 pandemic it has been interesting to observe two perspectives displayed on social media.
One has been fear, where people struggle to keep from going into full-on panic. They fear dying, shortages, and loss.
The other perspective has been faith. It hasn’t ignored the dangers inherent with a pandemic, but there has been peace because they know they have a heavenly Father who is sovereign and who loves them. There has been trust in His promises of eternal life and to meet all our needs. Believers have been accepting, appreciating, and even reflecting the lavish love of our heavenly Father.
I write all this to urge you to continue to stand with us as we declare the truth of God’s love to a country and world that needs to hear it, especially in these uncertain times. It is always relevant and applicable to our lives. You’ve experienced it. Help by giving so that others can experience it too.
As we close out our fiscal year this month I’m asking you to help us finish well. Being in a strong financial position gives us more ministry options for sharing the truth of God’s Word and His lavish love.
As always I am grateful for you and what we are accomplishing together.
Because of His love,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Your financial gift this month toward our goal of $200,000 strengthens us to continue effectively sharing the message of our Father’s extravagant love.