On January 20, 2017 our neighbour to the south inaugurated their 45th president, Donald J. Trump. Many who voted for him hope he will usher in a new era that will, as he campaigned, make America great again.
Such hopes are not new. In Bible times the Israelites anointed prophets, priests, and kings looking to them for leadership. They even looked for an ultimate deliverer, called the Messiah, whom God promised would save them from their oppressors.
While we do need leaders to govern, politicians are not the answer to a broken and sinful world. Being fallible humans themselves, all leaders inevitably fail to deliver what people truly need. The only one who can ultimately meet human need is God’s promised One, the Messiah.
Scripture reveals Jesus as this Messiah. He is the Deliverer, not from earthly powers but from the power and penalty of sin. He came as a prophet embodying and proclaiming the truth of God’s Word. He came as a priest offering Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. And He came as a king to rule and reign with peace in the hearts of His people.
That is the message of the Bible and that is what you hear Chuck Swindoll preach when you listen to Insight for Living. The messages you hear exalt the Person and work of Christ and declare the whole truth of God’s Word in an accurate, clear, and practical way. But we need the prayerful and financial support of people like you to help us.
When you give, people are transformed. They hear the truth of God’s Son, accept Christ’s sacrifice for their sin, live with Him on the throne of their hearts, and experience freedom from the oppression of sin.
We wish our leaders well. We pray for them in their work. But we know that mankind’s problems are ultimately spiritual. Our political leaders fail us because they too are broken and in need of a deliverer. We all need the only One who can deliver us from sin. That One is Jesus Christ.
This is why Insight for Living Canada exists and why we need your help. This is the message we declare without apology because this is the message that honours Christ and transforms lives. And this is the message you proclaim through us when you give.
Proclaiming Christ with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please take a moment today to send in your gift to help proclaim the only message that will change our world.