For many Canadians, Easter is about bunnies and eggs and chocolate. But the true Easter is about a lamb—the Lamb of God.
Most of us understand what it means to owe a financial debt. But what about owing on a sin-debt? How many of us understand what that means and how to make it right?
The Old Testament sacrificial system is foreign to our lives today. Ancient civilizations slaughtered animals in order to atone for wrongdoing. The sacrifice made them clean. While sacrificing an animal to get rid of sin sounds strange, the concepts of debt and repayment are still ones we understand. One of my personal sayings is “Somebody has to pay.” This concept is, in part at least, behind the sacrificial system.
Romans 3:23 likens sin to a debt, and since we’ve all sinned we all have debt. And somebody has to pay. A day of reckoning is coming where we will give God an account for our actions. The penalty for falling short of a holy and righteous life is death.
But there’s good news. Jesus came to pay a debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay. He became the sacrificial Lamb of God to pay our sin-debt. He is the Lamb who takes away the sin of all who accept His sacrificial death in their place!
Teaching about Jesus’ sacrifice for our sin-debt and what it means to live a holy and righteous life is what the ministry of Chuck Swindoll and Insight for Living Canada exists to do. And it’s because of your support we can continue spreading the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection on the air, in print, and online.
We depend on the financial gifts of God’s people here in Canada to underwrite the costs of this ministry. Can I count on your support this month to continue proclaiming this destiny-changing message?
People’s lives are transformed when they accept Christ’s payment for their sin. And when we work together to broadcast the Good News across our country, countless more people are able to hear this message of salvation.
Will you send your financial gift today so this message of hope will be broadcast not just at Easter but also throughout the year?
Ministering with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Jesus paid it all! Please donate today so together we can reach more Canadians with this wonderful news.