Dear friend,
Christmas is a special time of year where we focus on God’s master plan for redeeming His world and rescuing fallen sinners. His master plan came in the Person of Jesus Christ—God Himself entered the world to renew and restore His people.
Instead of carrying out an immediate physical death sentence for our sins, God responded with grace and began the process of redemption and restoration. His first act of salvation and grace was the promise of a Saviour (Genesis 3:15).
Thinking about sharing God’s promise of restoration this Christmas season reminds me of Insight for Living Ministries’ vision to cultivate biblical knowledge and its application worldwide. I see how God is bringing the world to us in Canada.
God is fulfilling His promises to restore all things including broken hearts and lives and it’s exciting to hear stories of how God is using Insight for Living Canada in that. In part, this restoration happens because people like you generously share the finances God has entrusted to you.
As we wrap up 2018 we have set our financial goal at $435,000. This ensures we finish off the year strong and can continue sharing God’s wonderful promises with Canadians. We want to hear of more lives being restored. And we want to begin our new year in a financially healthy way.
Will you help us reach our goal?
Because of His promises,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your gift today toward our year-end goal and help bring God’s restorative promises to Canadians across this country.