Last week I shared about how this Advent season fills me with joy because the God we love is our joy. This week I’d like to share about another joy I’ve discovered as I reflect on this season.
There are the people Insight for Living Canada serves.
I relate to the Apostle Paul as he thought about the people to whom he ministered in 1 Thessalonians 2:19, “After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you!"
Insight for Living Ministries has an international reach, but at Insight for Living Canada, our first priority is to serve the people here. It’s the reason we established an office in British Columbia. And every amount that’s donated to Insight for Living Canada remains here at home, applied directly toward reaching our nation with the truth of God’s Word.
We believe when we look away from ourselves and to the Lord, we are in a position to experience His presence and the peace and courage it brings.
Here’s a note we received from Marsha, one of the people we serve through our radio broadcast.
I have listened to your program in Edmonton for years, on CJCA. Insight for Living is one of the best Christian programs out there. I can’t count the times that Chuck Swindoll has uplifted my spirit, and strengthened me through some difficult times. I have two special needs children and a husband who is away a lot and your ministry has been such a welcomed friend every morning.
As the broadcast goes out every day across Canada we pray it will reach into the homes of people like Marsha, people who are desperate for God’s assurance and peace. We are compelled to share this great news!
We want to bring the truth and peace of God’s Word to life.
But we cannot do it alone. We need the financial support of people like you who feel this same urgent passion to spread the life-changing joy of God’s Word across our land.
December 31 marks the end of another calendar year. To propel this ministry into 2017 with a balanced budget and strong financial resources for ongoing ministry needs we need to raise $520,000.
As our deadline approaches, please prayerfully consider your contribution to our goal. We challenge you to give with a generous spirit, in anticipation of what God will do in many lives through this ministry.
Bringing the truth and peace of God’s Word to life,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Donate towards our fiscal year-end goal of $520,000 today!