This month I’ve shared about how for me the entire Christmas season is characterized by the word joy. And I’ve shared two of the joys I’ve experienced this season in particular. Today I will share the third.
I find great joy in the Truth Insight for Living Canada brings to Canadians.
Psalm 19:8 says, “The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight for living.” It is a privilege and joy to bring the Truth of God’s Word to the lives of so many people.
We believe the reason for Christ’s coming at Christmas is God’s astonishing love for us.
When we put the three things I’ve shared this month together—God, His people, and His Word—I rejoice at the impact He has made this past year in the lives of thousands of people through the ministry of Chuck Swindoll and Insight for Living Canada.
I also rejoice in the wonderful support you and people like you have given this past year so God’s Word could impact Canadians resulting in changed lives. It truly made a difference.
One listener, Rene, wrote in and shared this incredible testimony of the God we love.
God has helped me understand His heart through Insight for Living. Often times as Christians, we see God as a giant genie in the sky whose only objective is to make us happy and comfortable until the rapture takes us home—secure in our nice, convenient Christian bubble, void of any responsibility. Through Insight for Living Ministries, I have grown to understand how much God loves people—Christian and non-Christian alike—and that His heart is for people and how much of a responsibility I have in this world to show His Love, to read His Word and be prepared for wherever He takes me. My conduct is a Gospel unto a lost world. Only by reflecting Christ's light can I help those in darkness find their way to God's heart.
The God we love doesn’t change and so our joy and delight in Him shouldn’t either. The people we serve still need to hear God’s Word and apply it to their lives every day of 2017. And the Truth we send out is timeless, always relevant, and powerful.
A generous gift from you today will not only help us reach our December fundraising target but it will help facilitate effective ministry into 2017. Our budgeted goal is $520,000.
Bringing the truth and love of God’s Word to life,
Steve Johnson
PS Donate online towards our calendar year-end today!