For me, the entire Christmas season is best characterized by one word: joy.
Reread the story in Luke 2 and you’ll see what I mean. Joy pervades the experiences of Elizabeth, Mary, the shepherds, the wise men and the angels’ announcement. And of course there is great joy for the people whom Christ came to save.
When I reflect on the joys of this season and from this past year three things come to mind I am especially grateful for. I’ll share one today.
There is the God we love.
God Himself is our joy. As the psalmist says in Psalm 43:3,
There I will go to the altar of God,
to God—the source of all my joy
I will praise you with my harp,
O God, my God!
We believe the God we love doesn’t change and so our joy and delight in Him shouldn’t either.
Every day people share their stories with us, telling us how their lives have been touched by the Bible-teaching ministry of Chuck Swindoll and Insight for Living Canada.
Here’s one letter from Elaine describing the joy she has discovered from the God we love.
I have been listening to Insight for Living since 1998 on KWPZ 106.5. I was 56 years old and my husband of 33 years had left me. I was so alone and afraid of my future.... I did not know it then but God had a plan for my life—I met a lovely Christian woman at my new place of employment—gave my life to Jesus in 1999 and enjoy a beautiful life walking with Him.... Right now I am reading So, You Want to Be Like Christ?—the insights I am learning fill my heart with joy and make me want to live ever conscious of the Holy Spirit within me. Thank you for your program and all your books.
Maybe you have a story like Elaine’s. Maybe you were in the middle of a crisis and didn’t know what to do next, and then God showed up. What joy that brings! We rejoice in His unfailing love.
Just as we have been there for people like you we want to be there for people who haven’t experienced the joy a relationship with Christ can bring.
We want to bring the truth and joy of God’s Word to life.
But we cannot do it alone. We need the financial support of people like you who feel this same urgent passion to spread the life-changing joy of God’s Word across our land.
Will you stand with us and invest in the transformation only God’s Word can bring?
Bringing the truth and joy of God’s Word to life,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please donate to Insight for Living Canada today.