Dear friend,
In the story of Jonah we learn our God has a heart for the lost. He wanted Jonah to go and preach to the cruel and wicked Assyrians in the city of Nineveh so they could hear the truth, repent of their sin, and turn to Him. Despite their sinfulness God still loved them.
We also learn our God has a heart for prodigals. Jonah, whom God chose to take the message to Nineveh, became a prodigal when he rejected the Lord’s plan and fled. He knew God was “a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love…eager to turn back from destroying people” (Jonah 4:2). In his racism and hard-heartedness, Jonah thought he could run from God by taking a ship in the opposite direction.
Through the God-ordained, life-saving yet traumatic event of being swallowed and living three days in the belly of a fish, Jonah was reflective and repentant. He was also regurgitated onto a beach. We then read these gracious words, “Then the LORD spoke to Jonah a second time…” (Jonah 3:1).
Just as God desired for Jonah to bring the truth of God’s Word to Nineveh, we believe He wants us to do the same for Canadians. This is what Insight for Living Canada does every day of the year on air, in print, and online. We do it because God loves the lost and the prodigals of our day, and so they will understand the heart of our God and turn to Him. They still need to hear He is “a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love…eager to turn back from destroying people.”
At Insight for Living Canada, we have the message to convey and the methods to do it but like any ministry we also need prayer and financial support. We can’t get the Word out without your help.
Will you continue to stand with us to help bring the truth of God’s Word to Canadians?
Many others have done this and your support helps us continue to make it possible.
Amazed at God’s heart,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Our God has not changed. As in Jonah’s day He still loves the lost and the prodigals. Continue to help us today with your prayer and giving so they can turn to Him.