Dear friend,
Spiderman, Batman, Black Panther, and Guardians of the Galaxy, just some of the recent popular superhero movies. If you follow contemporary media, you’ll know the movie industry has had an obsession with superheroes.
Since most movies provide mindless amusement, I suggest spending time with something that will prove to be more spiritually edifying—give attention to the heroes of the Bible.
I find it pretty daunting to read of the exploits of the “heroes of faith” in Hebrews 11–people like Abraham, Joseph, and Moses to name a few.
One thing in particular that strikes me about this chapter is the variety of results that were achieved through faith. “By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, and escaped death by the edge of the sword. Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight. Women received their loved ones back again from death” (Hebrews 11:33–35).
Those results are pretty amazing!
These verses teach us that the exercise of faith isn’t passive wishful thinking. It is action-oriented. Action motivated by faith in the person, promises, and power of God.
When I relate this to the Bible-teaching of Pastor Chuck Swindoll and the work of Insight for Living Canada, it is by faith we’re able to carry out our mission. Our work is motivated by the person, promises, and power of God.
By faith we act to air programs, produce resources in print and online, mail letters, and answer phones to name just a few things. Through Pastor Chuck’s teaching, the seed of the Word is sown and watered, and in response to the exercise of our faith, God is working in the lives of Canadians.
Faith acts in total dependence on the Lord. It is trusting Him to work and accomplish His purposes through our work. We work in faith depending on God to bless His Word and transform lives through the work we do.
Giving is also an act of faith. You give to Insight for Living Canada because you also believe in the person, promises, and power of God. You give trusting God to use those funds to further impact lives through Insight for Living Canada.
The amazing thing is...He does. Here’s what one listener wrote,
God bless your ministry, Chuck Swindoll! I can't tell you what a daily blessing you are to me to hear your sermons!! The domino effect of what I've learned through your sermons has been life-changing for my family. I pray the Lord's blessing on you and your family, and for your continued work with Insight for Living Canada.
As we reflect on acting in faith and the results of that, can we count on your gift again this month?
You and I will never be superheroes like in the movies. And we will probably never perform exploits like the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. But we can actively show our faith by together participating in sharing God’s Word and seeing Him change lives.
In that sense maybe we can be heroes of faith too.
Believing with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your gift today to Insight for Living Canada in faith believing God will act to impact lives and families.