Dear friend,
Did you ever have the experience of learning to ride a bike? The thing I remember most was trying to find my balance while keeping the bike going in a straight line. It was tough for a while and I had the scrapes to prove it. But eventually I did it!
When I was in Bible college my teacher said, “The hardest thing in the world is to keep balanced.” He wasn’t talking about riding a bike, although it applies there too. He was talking about the Christian life. And handling God’s Word is one area of the Christian life where finding and keeping balanced is absolutely critical.
The Bible is objective truth outside of us and apart from us. It declares that Jesus died for us and by grace, through faith in Him we are saved. The Bible speaks of subjective truth when it speaks of believing, living the faith, and applying truth to our life.
Our tendency is usually either to put too much emphasis on the objective truth of Scripture and understanding what it says, or on the subjective side of seeking to apply truth without first understanding what Scripture says. Overemphasis on one and neglecting the other will lead to an imbalanced Christian life.
To be balanced we must understand the objective truth given in the Word, and believe and apply that truth to our own life and experience.
At Insight for Living Canada, we strive for that balance when we say our passion is to see lives changed and faith renewed through Pastor Chuck’s accurate, clear, and practical teaching of God’s Word. One example of this balance is Pastor Chuck’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary series. Here’s what one ministry friend told me,
I've been using the Living Insights New Testament Commentary for several years now as my daily devotional of choice. It is the “best of both worlds” with Bible reading accompanied by the background information and explanations of Chuck Swindoll's down to earth and understandable writing style. The application and notes are a bonus and blessing. It is methodical but NEVER boring. My books are wonderfully underlined and highlighted and I can (and do) go back for reference and clarification as needed. I appreciate this New Testament commentary series immensely.
We want to expand our reach and provide even more Canadians with the tools they need not only to read God’s Word but also believe and apply it to their lives. To accomplish this we need your prayer and financial support.
As we seek to provide Canadians with balanced tools to grow in their walk with the Lord, can we count on you to work with us by praying and sending a financial gift?
I love the fact that we have a three-way partnership. You do what you do with your support, we do what we do with broadcasting Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s teaching, and then God does what He does with His Holy Spirit to change and transform lives.
It’s a wonderful balanced partnership and when it all comes together, it’s more gratifying and eternally significant than learning to ride a bike could ever be!
Serving with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your gift today to do your part in getting the objective truth of God’s Word out where Canadians can receive and apply it to their lives.