Dear friend,
It was in the year King Uzziah died.... (Isaiah 6:1)
In Isaiah’s day, things were not going well in Judah. And then the king died. Isaiah must have felt like his world was turned upside down. I often think of that verse about Uzziah’s death when I see things happening in my life and in our world today that could cause apprehension, anxiety, and fear.
Then Isaiah had a vision of the sovereign Lord on His lofty throne. What strikes me is that the Lord is not pacing, panicking, or disturbed. He is seated, fully aware of all that is going on and in full control.
From this experience, Isaiah reframes the picture of what he sees happening in his life and his world. Now the sovereign Lord God is in the picture, and that makes all the difference to him.
This makes all the difference to us too, when we reframe things in our lives as being under the full control of our infinitely wise and loving God.
The Lord had a plan and a message and needed a messenger to speak.
Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8)
We are reminded that amid the turmoil and trouble we see and experience, God is working out His plan and purposes to further His Kingdom on earth.
And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth.... And he makes everything work out according to his plan. (Ephesians 1:10-11b)
In the midst of this reframing and reminder of God’s plan, Isaiah responded and his life was touched by the Lord. And the Lord said there was a message to get out to the people.
Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
And Isaiah became the messenger to take God’s Word to the people.
If you profess faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour, it is because the Lord reached down in grace and touched your life. As followers of Jesus Christ, you and I are then commissioned by Him to take the Gospel into the world. Some of us will be “goers” but all should be “senders.”
This is where Insight for Living Canada comes in. Through our many resources, we are sending God’s Word into the homes and lives of people all around the world, especially in Canada. You might not be able to “go” personally, but you can “send” Insight for Living Canada through your prayers, encouragement, and financial support.
Can we count on you this month to continue praying and giving to send us where you cannot go?
Although Isaiah’s experience was over 2,700 years ago, it is still relevant and applicable today. Human hearts haven’t changed, God hasn’t changed, and His Word hasn’t changed. We still have trouble and turmoil in this life, but God is still on His throne. He is still working things out to accomplish His plans and purposes, and people still need to hear God’s Word.
For more than 35 years, God has blessed Insight for Living Canada with faithful friends like you who have committed to partner with this ministry. As a result, God’s Word has been preached and lives have been changed. Countless men and women have come to know the Lord. Hearts have been transformed. Homes have been healed.
We count on you to join with us in sending the message of God’s Word to the people.
His messenger with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your gift today so people in this world of trouble can hear God’s message for themselves.