Dear friend,
The month of May this year is different for me.
It was in May of last year that my dad went to be with the Lord. He faithfully served Him as a pastor and in Christian organizations for his entire adult life and, along with mom, raised five kids who also love and serve the Lord. Dad’s passing leaves my mom alone and so as May and Mother’s Day rolls around this year, this month has extra special meaning for me.
My believing parents and grandparents before them put into practice what the Psalmist says in Psalm 78:4. He urges the people not to hide their spiritual heritage but to show it to the coming generations, emphasizing the praises of the Lord, His strength, and wonderful works.
We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the LORD,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
It’s the same thing in Timothy’s life. Paul wrote, “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you...So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord” (2 Timothy 1:5–6, 8).
Timothy was blessed with a godly heritage through his mother and grandmother. In light of that there’s a significant truth: It’s partly on the basis of Timothy’s godly heritage that Paul exhorts him to share the Gospel. Part of the impetus for all believers to share the Gospel comes from having a godly heritage.
I too have been blessed with a family heritage of faith in Jesus Christ. It was Mrs. Shellington, my grandma's neighbour across the street in Brantford, Ontario, who was instrumental in my grandmother coming to faith in Christ. She was instrumental in God’s saving grace entering the Johnson family. In turn, my grandma led my dad to the Lord. And it was my dad who led me to the Lord. Mrs. Shellington crossing the street was the beginning of a legacy of faith extending generations.
As believers we are blessed to be a blessing! If you’ve been blessed with a godly heritage I encourage you, because of it, to participate in telling others about the Lord. Cross the street. Maybe you will be the Mrs. Shellington God uses to start a new godly line and heritage as was the case in my family.
But more than that, don’t just cross the street, cross the country through prayer and financial support for Insight for Living Canada. Your support helps take God’s Word across Canada in print, over the airwaves, and online.
Will you join with us this month as we continue sharing God’s Word with Canadians?
Wouldn’t that be great if because of your support and our resources new family legacies of faith were begun? That because of being faithful to teach the truth of God’s Word, more Canadians become followers of the Lord and in turn begin new godly family legacies!
You might say though, “I don’t have a godly heritage to build on. I’m the first in my family to trust Jesus as my Saviour.” Then be the first and build a legacy for your family of faithfully following the Lord and telling others about Him.
Supporting Insight for Living Canada prayerfully and financially is a way for you to do that.
Let’s work together now and watch and see what God does to impact the future generations.
Blessed to be a blessing,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please send your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada today. It may be instrumental in beginning a new godly line and heritage.