Dear friends,
I grew up on the prairies. Like many of you, I experienced years of harsh Canadian winters and all that goes with them—long, dark days, bone-chilling cold, and the cabin fever of isolation. The word “bleak” often comes to mind as I think about some of those days.
For those of us who spent good chunks of our lives in these conditions, springtime was, and maybe still is, a most welcome occurrence. The world is transformed. The ice and snow melt, streams flow again, the brown turns green, and plants sprout. Signs of new life appear everywhere.
Springtime’s arrival is a fitting metaphor for what it means to become and live as a Christian. The reality is many people live lives as bleak as winter. But sometimes something miraculous happens. There is new birth, and as that new life takes root and springs up people grow and their hearts and minds are transformed. To use biblical language, streams of living water flow in them and the fruit of godly character and deeds is produced. Spiritual springtime arrives, bringing renewal, abundance, and life.
Spiritual springtime is wonderful but how does it happen?
The Bible tells us how, “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter 1:23 NIV). The teaching of God’s Word, applied to hearts by the Holy Spirit, brings new birth, growth, and ongoing life.
Insight for Living Canada exists to plant the seed of God’s Word and bring springtime-like transformation to Canadians. We’ve been doing it for over 35 years and want to keep doing it. But we need your support.
Will you invest in transforming lives through a financial gift to Insight for Living Canada?
I use the word “invest” because your gift will reap eternal dividends for you. As Scripture says, “They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever” (Psalm 112:9).
It is exciting to see how God works through us when we partner together. One listener shared, “I am writing to thank you very much for your wonderful ministry and insights into our amazing Christian faith. The Word is alive and flowing and thriving through us, the Church, the people of God. Because of you and others like you, the Word has been truthfully proclaimed, explained, and exalted. It pertains to our everyday lives….”
Just as winter-bound Canadians itch for the transformation springtime brings, we at Insight for Living Canada desire to see the fruit of transformed lives produced by the Holy Spirit when God’s Word is taught.
God is working through us and with your help we will continue to see springtime come to bleak lives.
Grateful for you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS You can have a part in bringing springtime to Canadian lives with your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada today.