Dear friend,
Love. Henry Drummond calls it “the greatest thing in the world” in his book by the same title. Others say it makes the world go around. And the Beatles tell us it is all we need.
More poems have been written and songs have been sung about love than any other topic. What the bards and balladeers don’t tell us is where it comes from or how to get it. Here’s where the Bible comes in with its great truths.
First, the Bible tells us “God is love” (1 John 4:16). This means love is His nature; everything He does demonstrates love. Even creating us in His image was an act of love because He wanted us to be able to love and have a love-relationship with Himself.
However, the Bible also says humanity’s rebellion against God and subsequent fall into sin dramatically distorted our capacity to love and be loved. Ultimately, all the evils in our world stem from our inability to love God and our neighbours as He originally desired.
But we aren’t without hope! Another great biblical truth is that God loved the world so much, “…He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Through faith in Christ God changes us and gives us the desire and power to love Him and others as we ought.
These and other life-transforming truths are what we at Insight for Living Canada proclaim across this country day after day in print, on air, and online. Lives are changed by these truths. And we are able to share them because of your financial support and the financial support of others like you.
Will you help us continue spreading this message of love by giving a financial gift today?
In this day and age when the true meaning of love is diluted and when families and marriages are being torn apart by the toxic distortion of love through pornography, Canadians need to hear and understand what real love is and where it comes from. “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins” (1 John 4:10).
Real love can never be understood apart from the God who is love and who shows us what love is by the giving of His Son. It is my hope and prayer you have experienced this life-changing love.
Can I count on your gift to help teach others what real love is?
Love is the greatest thing in the world. It does make the world go around. And love is all we need—as long as it is God’s love we are talking about.
Because of His love,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please give a generous gift today to help Canadians know and experience God’s love through the teaching of God’s Word.