Dear friend,
The conclusion I’ve come to after growing up in a pastor’s home, attending church all my life, and pastoring in various churches for almost 25 years is this: One of the greatest things about the church is the people. And one of the worst things about the church is the people.
Some of the choicest people I have ever met in my life are followers of Jesus. They are the cream of humanity and for me are what makes the church so great.
Sadly, the converse is also true. Some of the worst people I have met claim to be believers but can’t seem to get along with others. They are like porcupines. They want the warmth of others so they huddle close but end up needling others, or being needled, so they pull away only to get cold again. And on it goes like a dance, huddling together and pulling away.
When many of the New Testament exhortations were penned, the writers had both types of believers in mind. Those who were doing well needed encouragement. “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9). Those who were doing the porcupine dance were rebuked and challenged “…to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose” (1 Corinthians 1:10).
As a parachurch ministry, Insight for Living Canada comes alongside the church to help all kinds of believers. We are not here to replace or undermine churches in any way because, in spite of her imperfections, the church is Christ’s bride and the centrepiece of His plan to reach the world. You might say we are a bridesmaid to help the bride.
We help by communicating biblical truth and its application. God uses His Word to prepare and equip His people—the church—to do every good work (2 Timothy 3:17). Through our various resources available online, in print, and over the airwaves we come alongside pastors, church leaders, and lay people to augment the work of local churches.
Will you continue to stand with us through your support this month?
Recently, Mike shared his story with us. “Chuck and the ministry have blessed me beyond words since becoming a Christian in 1990. Thank you for all you do! The ministry has made a major difference in my life.”
When you support Insight for Living Canada through your prayers and finances you are helping reach thousands of believers like Mike across the country each day. In doing so you are helping equip and strengthen the church.
Quite apart from our traditional radio program and print resources, in the last 12 months our online audio programs have been streamed more than 1.2 million times.
The fact that so many people are utilizing our resources and being blessed shows there is a great need—a need worthy of your support.
For the church,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Your generous gift sent today will help get God’s Word out to equip God’s people, the church, to reach the world.