Dear friend,
What is the most urgent and important concern for the world today?
Many would say it is the environment—climate change, global warming, and pollution. Indeed, care for our planet is important and urgent. And it’s entirely biblical. The Bible teaches we have a mandate from the Lord to be stewards of the earth and its resources (Genesis 1:28). As such it is something we must take seriously and for which we will give an account to Him.
As important as environmental stewardship is there is something far more critical and pressing. It too is something we have been made stewards of and for which we will give an account to the Lord.
Do you know what it is?
It is our mandate to take the gospel into all the world. Matthew 28:19 says, “…go and make disciples of all the nations…. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.”
Why is this more important than anything else for Christians?
Because non-believers don’t concern themselves with sharing the Gospel—only the followers of Jesus have that mandate. And sharing the Gospel is of eternal significance whereas “heaven and earth will disappear,” (Matthew 24:35). There will be a new heaven and earth after this one expires.
This is why Insight for Living Canada exists. Our mission is to communicate the life-giving Word to Canadians. I don’t believe there is anything more important or urgent in this life for believers to be concerned about. Our passion is getting the Word into the hands and hearts of people.
Over our 35 years of ministering in Canada, we’ve heard from thousands of people whose lives have been touched by the Bible-teaching ministry of Chuck Swindoll and Insight for Living Canada. When they were at low points we were there, teaching them how to gain sure footing through biblical understanding and spiritual guidance. We want to expand our reach and provide even more Canadians with the tools they need to not only read God’s Word but also absorb and apply it to their lives.
This is not something you or we can do alone. By yourself you will never get into all the thousands of homes, workplaces, or vehicles of people who access our resources. And by ourselves neither will we.
But together we can. The Lord never intended the fulfilment of His Great Commission to be a solo effort. It requires co-operation, collaboration, and multitudes of partnerships.
Through your prayers and financial support undergirding Insight for Living Canada we can fulfil the mandate to be stewards of God’s Word and together get it out where God’s Spirit transforms lives.
At Insight for Living Canada we are committed to continue sharing God’s Word. We have had and will continue to have an impact in Canada through the teaching of God’s Word.
Will you continue to work with us so that together we can do more than we can separately?
Your co-worker in Christ,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS This month marks the end of our fiscal year. Send your financial gift today to help reach the $196,000 goal so together we can continue the important work of sharing God’s Word.