A few weeks ago we heard from a new believer who told us since he and his wife came to know Christ everything had changed. They found Chuck Swindoll’s program on the radio have been mentored by him ever since. He called us for a new Bible because they only had one and he takes it to work every day. He didn’t want to leave his wife without a Bible at home to read! What an amazing transformation. This couple’s hunger for the Word is an inspiration.
But compare this profound story with the sad fact that most Canadians don’t know the Bible like they once did. And increasingly Christians don’t read, engage with, or understand the Bible.
If Christians aren’t reading the Bible, how can they know and believe it? And since faith comes only through God’s Word, how can they grow and persevere in their Christian lives? The short answer is they can’t. Without faith in God’s Word, people will not be saved or grow (Romans 10:9-15). This is a critical problem.
Insight for Living Canada exists as a ministry at this time to communicate God’s Word so that people understand it, come to faith in Christ, and grow in their relationship with Him. That’s why we work hard to provide resources like our broadcasts, articles, and videos. That’s why we need your support.
This is where you come in. I believe you want the same things as we do—you want to see people’s lives be radically changed by learning how to understand and apply God’s Word. With your financial support we can help make that happen.
As 2017 closes we need your help in two ways.
First, we need you to pray for Insight for Living Canada. Pray that our ongoing ministry will bring the truth of God’s living and powerful Word into the lives of more Canadians from coast to coast.
Second, we need your donation so we can finish 2017 well and move into the coming year able to minister effectively. Our year-end fundraising goal is $595,000.
With your partnership in prayer and finances I know we can achieve our goals and continue meeting people’s need to understand and apply God’s living, active, and transformative Word.
By His grace,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Through your financial gift today you’ll help us get the living Word out where it can make a difference and change lives.