Mark 4:35-41 records a remarkable event. It’s night and Jesus is with His disciples in a boat crossing the lake. A fierce storm hits, swamping the boat with water, and the disciples panic. Fearing death they cry out to Jesus. In response Jesus speaks, calms the storm, and saves them.
I love this story because I relate to it—maybe you do too. We’re living stormy lives in stormy times.
What hope and help do we have when the storms of life and upheaval in the world assail us?
Our hope is in a Saviour who is able to calm the storms in life, dealt with the root sin problem at the cross, and is returning to make all things right in the world. Jesus is our hope and help.
We who trust Christ as Saviour, like the disciples, have Jesus with us in the midst of the turmoil—He’s in our boat. That doesn’t mean we don’t get afraid, we do. Sometimes we just need to be reminded from God’s Word that we are the Lord’s; He is with us and mighty to save.
This is the message we at Insight for Living Canada believe and proclaim across Canada in print, on air, and online. We want those who don’t know Christ to know the hope and help only He can give. Scripture says, “Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). The truth we bring to life is that we have a Saviour—One whom we can trust when storms rage around us.
We have the message to proclaim and your financial help is an essential part of how we get it out to where it’s needed.
Will you give so this life-saving message reaches those who are being ravaged by life’s tempests?
Maybe it was during a stormy time you heard the reassuring words of our Saviour through Insight for Living Canada and it helped you. Will you help us share this message with those in the midst of stormy times, in desperate need of a Saviour who can deliver them?
Because of Christ,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS By sending your generous financial gift today we can be your voice, sharing the message of our Saviour with those who need to hear it.