When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36)
Jesus saw the people of His day as sheep without a shepherd. Without a shepherd, sheep don’t know where to go and are helpless against predator attacks. As Jesus travelled through towns and villages He saw the people’s confusion about spiritual direction and their helplessness against attacks by spiritual and religious predators.
The message we proclaim at Insight for Living Canada is that Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd—the One who will provide what people truly need. We reach out to lost sheep proclaiming there’s a Shepherd who will tell them the truth, who will give them direction, and who will protect them. We tell people this Shepherd is seeking them and gave His life to save them.
Will you help us get this message out to those who are confused and lost? We depend entirely on the financial support of Canadians to create and distribute our daily program, our monthly magazine, and our other resources. By partnering financially with us, you enable us to continue declaring the wonderful truth of God’s Word about our Shepherd and Saviour to the confused crowds across the country.
Just as sheep don’t lead sheep, confused people need a shepherd who will lead them in the right paths and who will protect and deliver them from spiritual wolves.
It’s in light of this great need Jesus declares, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep“ (John 10:11). Those who belong to the Lord have a Good Shepherd who loves them with an everlasting love, a Good Shepherd who will lead them all the days of their lives, a Good Shepherd who will take them home to dwell with Him forever (Psalm 23).
It’s out of Christ’s compassion for the confused and helpless in Canada that we minister and request your help. Through your donations we become your voice to share the truth about our Good Shepherd.
For His sheep,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your financial gift today to help proclaim the great news about our Good Shepherd.