At Insight for Living Canada, we teach soli Deo gloria—to God alone be glory. God should be thanked, praised, and given full credit for His sovereign grace and spiritual and physical provision.
We received a beautiful letter from a couple that I think demonstrates this perfectly.
The ministry of Insight for Living and Charles Swindoll has always played a part in my growth as a Christian and encouraged me along the way to be a better person, for the glory of God. I have deliberately and accidentally tuned in to a broadcast that always spoke to me in so many practical ways and the Lord used those words to help me in an immediate need on many occasions. I purchased devotional books, reference material, and all the resources I could in an attempt to help wash away all those things in my life that the Devil intended to use to steal my joy, kill my spirit, and destroy my happiness. I am a very strong person these days and it is ONLY from the Lord and I have had many battles and am battle-scarred but I have also learned about the enemy and his tactics and I am strong with the Lord's strength.
My greatest gratitude is to Christ who was perfect and yet, had iniquity imputed on Him for me who was filled with iniquity and yet, received imputed righteousness! All glory to Him!
Testimonies like these give us great encouragement and strength. We know the work we do is only effective because of what God has already accomplished in and for each one of us. And when you partner with us God is working in and through you too.
When you give, you’re creating a foundation for the work of teaching and explaining the Bible to people who need to know the life-changing truth of God’s Word. You make a difference in people’s lives and our world. Your gifts glorify God and further the Kingdom.
Will you stand with us and invest in the life-changing strength only God’s Word can bring?
Soli Deo gloria,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS June 30 is our fiscal year-end. Please donate towards our $220,000 goal to help us finish strong. To God alone be glory!