Last week I shared about Chuck Swindoll’s and Insight for Living Canada’s commitment to teaching sola gratia—salvation comes by grace alone. This week my focus is on sola fide—faith alone.
Grace and faith go together. We put our faith in Christ’s death and resurrection and accept the grace of His salvation knowing we can never be good enough on our own.
Paul wrote this to the Ephesians, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast,” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV).
At Insight for Living Canada, we teach only total righteousness is acceptable to God and it’s found in Christ, not us. The only way we can accept Christ’s work is by placing our trust in Him.
One listener, Kelly, wrote in and shared this incredible testimony of faith in action.
The ministry God has entrusted you with has been an incredible blessing of Truth and encouragement in the past few years. It is possible that the impact Chuck's "Insights" have had on my life may only be known upon our reaching Heaven. I hope one day to meet Chuck and share with him a part of the journey of God has allowed me to go through in the past few years; including marital breakdown, financial challenges and employment stresses among other challenges. Without the Truths presented through this ministry I really don't know where I would be. The good news is that through the courageous sharing of God's faithfulness I am learning to trust Him with my life. Press on and keep up the great work you have been entrusted with. PS...By God's grace I will be making a cash donation today. Praise Him.
As our daily broadcast goes out across Canada we pray it will reach into the homes of people like Kelly, people in desperate need of God’s Truth. This message we share is truly life changing and we are compelled to persevere in this work.
But we cannot do it alone. We need the financial support of people like you who feel this same passion to share the Good News and the message of freedom that faith in Jesus Christ can give.
It’s by faith in Christ that His righteousness is imputed to us as the only possible satisfaction of God’s perfect standard. “For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law,” (Romans 3:28).
Please prayerfully consider contributing to Insight for Living Canada today.
For sola fide,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Donate towards our fiscal year-end goal of $220,000 today!