I am now a first-time grandpa! Yes, I have joined the elite group of those who have silver in their hair and gold in their hearts.
My little grandbaby’s birth was much anticipated and anticipation gave way to expectation. In good time expectation gave way to birth and the full realization of having a baby girl. Those of you who are also grandparents can attest to the joy a new little life like this brings.
At this time of year I can’t help but make the comparison to the advent of another baby. The birth of our Messiah was also much anticipated. The Old Testament Scriptures tell how, for centuries, prophets spoke of this Baby who would be born.
Anticipation turned into expectation with the announcement to Joseph, “...do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:20-21).
Finally, expectation became realization. “But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman…” (Galatians 4:4) Our Saviour was born! And in this season of advent we reflect on this and look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ.
At Insight for Living Canada we are not only filled with joy as we look forward to celebrating our Saviour’s birth, but we are also filled with anticipation and expectation at the new year and some new opportunities into which our Lord is leading us.
Some things haven’t changed. We are still committed to bringing the truth of God’s Word to life. And we still need your support to continue doing these things effectively.
But in addition to what we do now, we have a new dream. We want to begin developing a ministry to teach people how to feed themselves on the spiritually nutritious milk and meat of God’s Word.
We are very excited about this. We hope this need and this opportunity resonates with you because we need you and people like you to stand with us financially in order for this new initiative become a reality.
Can I count on your financial gift this month?
With anticipation and expectation,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Make your financial investment today and have an impact now and for eternity by helping believers dig into God’s Word for themselves.