
Put your hope in the LORD—now and always

Dear friend,

What were you like as a child?

If you don’t remember, perhaps you can think of your children, if you have any. What were they like when they were young?

In Psalm 131, the author uses imagery of a child to describe his relationship with the Lord. It says,

Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp.
Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—now and always.

As believers, we are children of our heavenly Father, and this Psalm centres around the idea of being His child. The passage causes me to reflect on how I behave as my heavenly Father’s child.

In the beginning of our faith journey, we are like an infant crying out for our parent. We’re helpless, unable to feed ourselves, whining when in need, and making messes. That’s how we all start out, like a newborn baby in the family of God. Sadly, some never grow out of this stage.

There is also the proud-hearted and haughty child. This is a wilful, rebellious child who does not obey but insists on having their own way. They think they know better. They have trouble trusting the Father and believing He has their best interests at heart. Some believers are like this too.

Finally, there is the weaned child. They are more mature. They are no longer so helpless and can eat solid food. This child is calmed, quieted, and able to rest in a loving parent’s provision. This is a child who isn’t concerned with “matters too great or too awesome” to grasp. They are submissive and content to leave the difficult-to-understand and unfathomable matters of life in the hands of their loving heavenly Father.

God doesn’t want us to stay whiny, crying infants. He also doesn’t want us to be wilful, proud, and rebellious children seeking our own way. He wants us to mature and seek after His will for our lives.

One of the reasons God has established Insight for Living Canada is to nourish His children in their faith and help guide them in following His will. We accomplish this by faithfully proclaiming and explaining God’s Word. Just as children need nourishment to grow, the children of our heavenly Father need the milk and meat of the Word to strengthen and sustain their spiritual growth.

To fulfil our mission, we rely on the prayer and financial support of faithful friends like you. Will you support us this month as we, together, share God’s Word with His family across Canada?

Like you, I’m immensely grateful to be a part of the family of God. Only together can we help our brothers and sisters in their spiritual journey.

In His family with you,

Steve Johnson

Executive Director

PS Send your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada and help us feed God’s children with His Word.