How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Besides teaching God is perfectly loving Scripture also teaches God is perfectly just. His justice is that characteristic by which He gives everyone that which is due—reward or punishment.
Besides teaching God is perfectly loving Scripture also teaches God is perfectly just. His justice is that characteristic by which He gives everyone that which is due—reward or punishment.
When it seems like things are out of control, choose to believe they’re not. Everything is in God’s omnipotent, wise, and loving control for our good.
Every parent of a special needs child has more questions than answers. But our Heavenly Father understands and promises His presence. And there’s no question about that.
What kind of music does God prefer? Actually, what God prefers has nothing to do with the music—it has to do with the condition of our hearts. Worship is not primarily for us, it is offered to God.
Does God expect Christians to be perfect? The short answer is yes and no.
Without a direct revelation from God it's impossible to know for sure, but circumstances might suggest the possibility that we have indeed experienced a special visitation. I have two such experiences.
Honesty is the quality of being genuine and uncorrupted. And from that core, like the trunk of a tree, it branches three ways.
Being compassionate or not is all about what you look at and see. The fact that we don't like seeing pain makes compassion difficult, but compassion only occurs in the context of another's pain.
One might naturally assume that Christians wouldn't have to be told to study their Bibles. But that is not the case. Here are 10 reasons Christians give for not reading and studying their Bibles (in no particular order of importance).
In other words, sometimes just getting something done is more important than doing a fantastic job. If you stipulate perfection or nothing, the result will be nothing…every time.