Before ascending into heaven, Christ issued His final command: “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). Through Vision 195, Insight for Living Ministries seeks to obey Christ’s Great Commission by extending God's grace and teach His Word in all 195 countries. Our plan is to train pastors in their own countries to minister to their people, in their languages and cultures.
In this special broadcast, Chuck Swindoll talks with one of these pastors, Charlie Costa, who leads the Insight for Living Arabic ministry in Beirut, Lebanon. Along with pastoring a church and overseeing outreach ministries, Charlie voices Insight for Living in Arabic. Through technology, 420 million Arabic-speaking people can access Charlie's translations of Chuck's messages and hear the life-changing good news of Christ.
Let this special broadcast stir your heart with inspiring stories of God's grace transforming lives among Arabic-speaking people.