So much of life is played in a minor key. We cannot spend one 24-hour period without being confronted with the dark side: political unrest, violence, gang wars, senseless murders, kidnappings, threats, unresolved conflicts, fractured relationships, heartaches, and headaches. The list is endless. On top of these things are the daily demands and constant responsibilities of just plain living…traffic snarls, academic assignments, meal preparation, housecleaning, child rearing, soccer practicing, and carpooling! Most of us live terribly close to the edge of a breakdown, trying to keep all the balls in the air. Every so often, it is essential to stop the squirrel cage; step outside our world of stressful, relentless demands; and enjoy times of refreshment…significant moments of rejoicing and celebrating. That is what the Jews did when Esther led them to establish the Feast of Purim.