Anniversaries are a beautiful combination of memories, changes, growing dependence, and dreams. Ours dates back to June 18, 1955, when a couple of kids said, “I do” and committed themselves to each other for life.
In a day when half of all marriages fail, we all need insight that stands the test of time. We need wisdom from Scripture to equip us to transform our own union from a lacklustre contract into an intimate and exciting relationship.
Whether you're recently engaged, just realizing the honeymoon is over, or celebrating your golden anniversary, Insight for Living remains committed to helping couples cultivate honesty, exhibit grace, and experience a joy and intimacy in marriage that they never thought possible.
Anniversaries are a beautiful combination of memories, changes, growing dependence, and dreams. Ours dates back to June 18, 1955, when a couple of kids said, “I do” and committed themselves to each other for life.
Do not get so busy doing for Christ that you neglect being with Christ. Love is the greatest thing, but for it to thrive, it must be the main your your your worship.
If we live life expecting others to conform to our belief system we will become frustrated and disillusioned, especially if that person is our spouse.
Song of Solomon is a unique type of poetic Hebrew literature. It exhibits the literary characteristics of something known as a pastoral love song, which is different from allegory, drama, historical narrative, and parable.
We need clear guidance on this topic. The Bible’s teaching on divorce is expansive; however, in this short piece, we’ll narrow our focus to one important aspect of Jesus’ teaching from Mark 10:1–12—the condition for divorce.
I can testify to this truthfully: When grace awakens in a husband’s heart, he begins to care for the one God gave him in a new and deeper way. He becomes increasingly aware of his wife’s value, her giftedness, and her significance.
Timing and tact are always worthwhile. Insensitivity or rashness are never traits that we want to purposely act on; they are counter to the fruit of the Spirit.
Keeping a marriage together is hard work. Making it thrive is even harder. Thankfully, God has filled His Word with principles that breathe life into our unions.
If pornography has a death grip on your marriage, we want to help you give your valentine the gift you both need: change.
When it comes to caring for widows, it’s easy to be pulled by emotions into unwise decisions. That’s why Paul’s instructions are so helpful. And so are his practical reminders.