God's Sovereignty, Our Sanity
Not until we acknowledge God’s sovereignty will we be able to understand life according to God’s Word.
Not until we acknowledge God’s sovereignty will we be able to understand life according to God’s Word.
Those who flex with the times, who refuse to stay rigid, who resist the mould and reject the rut…ah, those are the souls distinctively used by God.
Together, we can create a lasting impact and spread the light of possibility in ways that truly matter!
Momentous transitions do not come often in life. When one occurs, it’s like standing on a mountain bluff overlooking a sprawling valley below.
When a new year begins, it can feel like you’re headed into open seas—excitement mixed with uncertainty, adventure coupled with the unknown. How can we chart our course for this coming year?
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
We simply cannot find a substitute for the family. God planned it that way. Nothing on earth comes close to the benefits derived from relationships revolving around our roots. Nothing.
Your gifts fuel the global proclamation of His Word. They are multiplied and blessed by God in ways only He can accomplish and comprehend.
My advice this Christmas? Allow the traditions of the season to stir you up by way of reminder. Allow the things familiar to point you to things essential.
Christian leaders with character continue to be in demand. Ezekiel recorded God’s plea for leaders who would “stand in the gap before Me for the land,” but, tragically, He “found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).