Dear friend,
In an era of “anything goes” and fake news, people want to trust that what they hear is the truth. They want to know what the Bible says about today’s issues and they’re desperate to understand how to apply biblical principles to their current situations. As our Canadian culture continues its shift away from traditional Christian values, the work and ministry of Insight for Living Canada is more important than ever.
One of the main ways Insight for Living Canada fulfils its mission of communicating the truths of Scripture and the Person of Jesus Christ is through Insight for Living. As you may know, this Bible-teaching program features Chuck Swindoll, a pastor who has devoted his life to the accurate, practical teaching and application of God’s Word and His grace. Chuck’s trademark humour, integrity, and authenticity have made him one of this century’s most beloved and trusted preachers.
Broadcast across the country on more than 100 facilities and online streaming portals, our annual airtime expenses exceed half a million dollars. Money we receive for our general operations goes towards making our audio programs freely available on national radio and over the Internet.
Since May 2016, our program streaming has reached more than 2.3 million people with the truth of God’s Word. In 2018 alone, our audio podcasts were accessed more than 900,000 times giving us confidence that people are seeking God so they can live in victory and truth.
As a listener-supported ministry, the people who fund us believe solid biblical teaching is crucial and want to invest in our work. We’re grateful for every donation and for our shared vision to reach our country for Christ.
Will you consider partnering with Insight for Living Canada this month? June 30 is our fiscal year-end and our fundraising goal is $196,000. Your support today means we can begin our new fiscal year with the financial resources to continue effective ministry.
Making disciples with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please prayerfully consider supporting Insight for Living Canada with a generous gift.