Dear friend,
September is back-to-school time for many people. This is also the time of year when many churches jump-start their fall programming. Sunday schools resume. Kids clubs and Bible studies restart and new educational initiatives are established. And all this is done with a view to equipping believers spiritually for life and ministry.
Despite these excellent programs and initiatives, many pastors I have talked to agree we face a problem of growing biblical illiteracy. Many Christians don’t understand, or regularly read, their Bible or know how to apply it in a relevant way to their life today. The result is they aren’t spiritually equipped to handle life or live lives indistinguishable from non-Christians.
Insight for Living Canada is all about equipping for spiritual life. As important as schooling is, spiritual and biblical education equips us for life and eternity!
We teach and explain the Bible, as our mission says, “so that people will come to an understanding of God’s plan for their lives, as well as their significant role as authentic Christians in a needy, hostile, and desperate world.” The Bible promises wisdom, equipping for life and eternity, and preparation to live a life of good works which God wants us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
As a ministry we strive to utilize numerous means to convey God’s truth. People can freely access our resources on air, in print, and online. In addition, it is our desire to teach people how to feed themselves by instructing them on how to study and understand the Bible. To rephrase the popular proverb, giving someone biblical truth and feeding him for a day is great. But teaching him to feed himself biblical truth is better because he will be fed for life.
We cannot do any of this without you. We count on your prayer and financial support to undergird this work. So I ask you to stand with us.
In our 35th year of ministry in Canada, it is mind-boggling to me to think of how many lives have been impacted and fed spiritually through Insight for Living Canada. Think of how Chuck’s teaching has fed and equipped you spiritually. Think of those you love who have been encouraged and helped. Think of those you don’t know but whose lives have been transformed because of Chuck’s teaching. It is not only mind-boggling it is also wonderful.
As the Lord wills and provides funds through His people—people like you—this ministry will spiritually feed and equip many more souls for many days to come.
Grateful for you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Feeding God’s people, and teaching them to feed themselves, impacts lives where it counts. Please pray for us and send your financial support to continue making a difference.