Dear friend,
When I was younger I played the trumpet. I played solos at church, in competitions, in bands, and with various brass groups and orchestras.
One of the things I quickly discovered was that when you play a musical instrument, it goes out of tune, sometimes quite easily. With a trumpet, even the weather affects the tuning. Cold or hot temperatures impact the brass making it flat or sharp. Even one’s own physical temperature can affect things and cause the instrument to go out of tune.
I played a B-flat trumpet so I got myself a B-flat tuning fork. The tuning fork gave me the true pitch, acting as the standard to which I could adjust so I was on pitch and in tune with others.
Getting out of tune happens in our spiritual life too. Circumstances, unfair situations, even our physical condition can affect us so that our pitch—our outlook and perspective—is off. We lose sight of the big picture, our thinking becomes distorted, and we get thrown off spiritual balance.
In Psalm 73, the writer Asaph records when he got out of tune. He compared his life to others’ lives, and didn’t like what he perceived. His thinking became cloudy and he wrote, “Then I realized that my heart was bitter, and I was all torn up inside. I was so foolish and ignorant—I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you” (Psalm 73:21–22). When we find ourselves feeling this way, it’s a sign we need to get back in tune with God, others, and ourselves.
The psalmist began regaining his perspective when he refocused on God and His plans. "Then I went into your sanctuary, O God, and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked” (Psalm 73:17). He stopped looking at others and looked instead at His sovereign God.
We all go out of tune spiritually from time to time and need God’s tuning fork to help regain our pitch. This is why what we do at Insight for Living Canada is so important. I believe the Bible teaching we share through our broadcasts and other resources helps believers retune and realign to God’s Word. Understanding Scripture and how to apply it provides the true pitch we need for our lives.
Through your gracious support we will continue sharing and teaching God’s Word so believers can be helped in this way.
Can we count on you to stand with us again this month?
When Asaph focused on the Lord and the truth of His Word, he received a fresh sense of his own situation. “Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny” (Psalm 73:23–24). Asaph realized the Lord was guiding him, and that he was destined for glory. It didn’t matter what was going on with others in his life, what mattered most was is his own relationship with the Lord and recognizing how blessed he was.
The same realization is available for each of us. So here are three truths to help you stay in tune.
- When life seems unfair, remember we are grasped by Christ who walks with us and will never let us go. Let’s rest in that
- When life seems uncertain, remember we are guided by God’s Word. Let’s rely on that
- When life seems unrewarding, remember we are destined for heaven where we’ll be glorified. Let’s rejoice over that
Your generous support this month helps us to continue sharing these wonderful truths with folks whose thinking has become distorted so they can get back in tune with the Lord.
Encouraged by your partnership,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please send your gracious donation today to help believers retune their lives with the tuning fork of God’s Word.